Concept note – Waking Dream, 2018
Exhibition: This work was part of the show The Luxury Symposium at The Hyatt Regency, New Delhi

It is not easy to capture the virtuosity and multitude of a person like Mukesh in a few words. A journey through the time from a humble village of Rajasthan to the urban bustle of Delhi is filled with emotive and tangible memories. Mukesh is never settled. His movement touches the geographic boundary of his country at every direction and even crossed it at few occasions at the call of distance and in search of new promises. However the core of his endeavour addresses and narrates a journey back in time to the lore’s and myths of the rural surrounding of his early life.

Mukesh has carried with him, always many of these lore’s and one particular image from the cycle of myths- image of the great serpent Naga representing ever flowing time has pre-occupied him. Naga links earth and the heavens, the mortals and celestial worlds.

His serpent is a design to represent the aeonic-time which exists between the timeless world of idea and the time-bound perishable world of our reality. The multi headed body otherwise defies the organisation and linearity of a natural creature and leading back to the chaos of early forms of creation. The entanglement and lack of physical direction with aggressive posturing somehow represent the angst of techno material reality of contemporary time. Thus Naga transpose to a spatial design of urban dream with distant memory of the past.

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